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It was serendipitous boozers. I was looking for some mini margs the other night in Astoria, and the store clerk said, “we just got in babe rosè” I was unfamiliar and shook my head, until he said “It’s made by White Girl Wine.” 

White Girl Wine is the godwine for basic bitches. They have no problems screaming out “YAS for rosè” or “Rosè for breakfast!” (I mean… who isn’t?!) The Northern California based winery has been getting a lot of press with @TheFatJewish promoting their rosè and being pretty fucking trendy.  


Babe Rosè is BUBBLY. Yes bitch, sparkling rosè IN A FUCKING CAN. There are four 250ml cans in a box, which means for the $10-$15 dollar price point, you’re getting MORE than a bottle for LESS. YYYYAAASSSSSS!! 

Some friends and I cracked open some cans and even the most dude among us had to admit that it was pretty good wine. 

Each can of the rosè was pretty bubbly, not at all flat, which was a huge concern of mine. It’s light, with strawberry and a hint of watermelon flavor. It’s a fucking Zinfandel/Pinot Grigo blend y’all and it’s stealing my heart. It’s more on the dry side, which I love, and crisp as hell! I had it with a chorizo burrito and it was perfection. Being in a can makes this one of the perfect beach wines! Just unbox, coozy and VIOLA! 

You can find White Girl Rosè in 62 stores in New York, but your best bet for finding Babe Rosè is good ol’ FreshDirect
Happy boozing bitches! 

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